Battle of Imphal

English 日本語

Educational Tours

The way history is taught at schools and educational institutions leaves a lot to be desired. History lessons are confined indoors to classrooms for the most part, with far too much emphasis on remembering by rote dates and personalities. This is a pity. Fortunately, this is also where a guided visit to a battlefield can be of enormous help. Battlefields provide the perfect experiential learning opportunity for schools and other educational institutions. For only by walking and exploring the actual site of an event of historical significance, students are likely to grasp the topic in a way that is perhaps not possible within the confines of a classroom. If done well, a battlefield tour can literally bring history to life for a student (of any age).

We offer tours to educational institutions on the Second World War battles of Imphal and Kohima. Educational tours have already been conducted for the scholars and professors of the History Department, Manipur University, and a visiting delegation from the Monywa Institute of Economics, Myanmar. The founder of Battle of Imphal Tours, Hemant Singh Katoch, has given lectures on the Imphal battle to some 600 high school students. This includes a talk to over 300 students at teachers from across the country at the Harvard Model United Nations India Conference in Hyderabad and a lecture at Vasant Valley School, New Delhi.

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